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Instructional Coach Boot Camp

Welcome to the Boot Camp!

This Back-to-School Boot Camp originally aired Live on Instagram. It was designed  to prepare new and veteran coaches for the new school year. Hear strategies and techniques from various instructional coaches on how you can coach better now and throughout the school year.

Coaching During a Crisis Talk

We are currently experiencing a life-altering event, the COVID-19 pandemic. This has had a tremendous effect on everything our educational system. I know educators everywhere are wondering,what do we do now? What next?

Coaches, here is a start to what you can do next. Learn about 10 ways to help you coach during a crisis. This webinar, will show you how to coach during this time while being realistic.

Coaching Foundations

Welcome to the wonderful world of coaching!

You might be in the right place if you:

  • Are you thinking about becoming an instructional coach and want to learn more about what it’s really all about? This is your starting point.
  • Are you new to coaching and need a little something extra, more support to assist you in your coaching work? This is your starting point?
  • Are you thinking you’ve run out of ideas and are looking for more? This is your starting point.
  • If you’re just curious and want to see what’s behind this curtain? Go ahead and take a peek!

I could write paragraphs about why you should subscribe to Coaching Foundations but instead, I'll give you three great reasons why you should join.

Reason #1 - You can grab resources to use NOW. After you join, all resources are yours to use immediately!

Reason #2 - You can learn first-hand from instructional coaches in the field. 

Reason #3 - You can take away a set of universal coaching beliefs to help you ground your coaching work.

Reason #4 (I know I said 3) - And best of all, everything here is FREE!

So go ahead and click the orange Sign Up! button below to be a part of Coaching Foundations!

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